Saturday, June 04, 2005

A Door to Madness

Its the late 1920's and behind the seemingly normal lives a darkness grows. Small events seemingly insignificant grow. Those who fight against it face a battle on many fronts not least of which is their sanity.

Dr Anthony Perry a well known writer of horror and resident professor at Miskatonic U as well as special assistant to Dr. Armitage and ex-special investigator to the Massachusetts Police wonders how many stories he will have to write before the readers become aware that his tales are not fictional and feel real fear.

Calum J O'Reilly/McCrindle the adoptive Irishmen who discovered a dark past and that he was in fact Scottish, a finder of lost antiquities and part time adventurer sits telling his part time archaeology class of the wonders of egyptian tombs by day while at night studying arcane books having his tea bought by Agnes his young housekeeper. A gun never far away in case the ever present Cultists try to pry his secrets from him in order to aid their dark masters convoluted and alien plans. Unlike his friends or maybe because of the war he is actually the most stable of them all even with his continual delving into pages of long forgotten and dark lore!

Jim the Native American Micmac Defender of the Earth sworn to fight the evils that threaten the human beings and their invasive cousins the whiteman, willingly subsuming his pride in order to better locate the sources of bad medicine.

The mysterious pilot Irons running from unknown enemies but with a hard boiled outer self sits wondering how come organised crime now seems like a distant and welcome friend when faced with what he has learned.

Joel Harpy of the esteemed Harpy Tobacco giants of Massachusetts, a Black Sheep and hedonist finds that his exile to Kingsport to be less attractive than it first seemed as he discovers worrying signs of Mythos he thought he had left behind. Now he finds that he has become the most unlikely of humanities defenders for he has seen what apathy brings and against all his instincts and in spite of his dwindling sanity the darkness gains the enmity of humanities long shot hero.

Finally Julianna Keezar friend and enemy both to Joel and one of the few women he cannot add to his bedpost. She fights against a male dominated society for womens rights and has only just opened the door on something more monstrous than men.

Between them they face the dark and foreboding landscape of Lovecraftian enigmas and the diabolic and alien ideals of the Elder Gods and their servants. This blog will bring you their tales and others.

Welcome to the Temple of the Dark Pharaoh, Nyarlathotep.

Welcome to the very door of Madness.